Pryday #2

Hello and welcome to the second edition of Pryday! This week’s question is:

“What is your favorite TV adaptation of a novel?” 

I’ve been a PBS and Masterpiece Theater (now Classic) fan since my teen years and I think I’ve seen every adaptation they’ve presented in the past 20 years. I’ve also watched quite a few BBC dramas that I’ve checked out from the library. I thought this would be a hard question for me to answer because I’ve enjoyed so many of these presentations, but the first series that popped into my head and that just felt right on further reflection is the 2006 version of Bleak House starring Gillian Anderson. I have to shamefully admit that I have never read a complete Dickens novel (even when I was required to in college) and I surprised myself by liking this series as much as I did. It was the only adaptation in the past 10 years that I’ve forced someone else to watch (sorry Megan, but not really) Everything about it is supremely exquisite. The acting, the plot, the costumes, the scenery, the air of mystery and sadness that permeates the characters’ lives. There’s also good heartedness and humor. The gamut of human situations and emotions is fully explored. I think Gillian Anderson’s performance is outstanding and I always like to watch Anna Maxwell Martin. I definitely need to watch this again sometime very soon!

Other recent series that were in the running as my favorite: Downton Abbey, Cranford, and Tess of the D’urbervilles.

What is your favorite tv adaptation of a novel?

I’m moving on Tuesday after living in the same apartment for seven years. Packing is in progress, but I forgot how monumental a task moving really is! I hope to have Internet service in my new place by next weekend, but if you don’t hear from me for a while, you’ll know why.  Have a great weekend!

10 thoughts on “Pryday #2

  1. Hands down winner for me: Pride & Prejudice. You know the one! I absolutely love Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. Runners-up: BBC’s Emma with Romola Garai

    Also LOVE Downton Abbey..can’t wait for the second series!


    1. Wow, that is a tough one. Bleak House is at the top of my list, though I do love the 1995 P&P and the 1995 Persuasion. The 1985 Room with a View is also wonderful.

      And I almost forgot about all the Gaskell adaptations! Wives and Daughters is great and I just watched North & South. Richard Armitage is pretty swoony. Do I really only have to pick ONE?


    1. I just recently watched I Capture the Castle and really enjoyed it. It was not at all what I was expecting and I liked that it was more serious than I thought it would be after reading the synopsis.


  2. I’m torn between Bleak House and North and South, but I’m sure there are some gems I’ve forgotten. Brideshead Revisited (the tv series not the film) comes to mind.

    I’ll be thinking of you on Tuesday.


  3. P&P for me too, the Colin Firth one. Going back further, I loved Barchester Towers with Alan Rickman as Mr Slope. I hope everything goes smoothly for your move!


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